
RTSH and AIDSSH reach a cooperation agreement, more access to files and more information for the public

  • 4/26/2024 1:09 PM
RTSH and AIDSSH reach a cooperation agreement, more access to files and more information for the public

Albanian Radio and Television (RTSH) and the Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents (AIDSSH) have reached a cooperation agreement. The agreement was signed by the General Director of RTSH, Alfred Peza and the Chairperson of the Files Authority, Gentiana Sula.

His cooperation agreement will enable the RTSH to provide abundant archival data of the former security (secret police) of the periods 1945-1990, to enrich its programming range, while it will also cooperate with the Authority on joint projects, focusing on keeping alive the collective memory .

"This agreement enriches the authority with an irreplaceable partner, such as Albanian Public Television. The public Television with plenty of channels, especially with ‘RTSH Shkollë’, provides the greatest opportunity for us to implement plans for a platform to learn history, for all ages, through professional filters or contemporary methods and with a language that children and teachers will like," said Sula.

The RTSH General Director, Alfred Peza and the head of the Files Authority, Gentiana Sula visited the archives, which holds files from different periods, now accessible to interested citizens and researchers.
